martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

Update PDF metadata


  1. View pdf metadata for a file called Example.pdf:
    pdfinfo Example.pdf  
  2. Edit existing metadata in the terminal using nano editor:
    pdftk Example.pdf dump_data output Metadata-output.txt
    nano Metadata-output.txt  
  3. Update metadata:
    pdftk Example.pdf update_info Metadata-output.txt output Example-new.pdf 

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015

To install XCTU (Windows version) on Linux

This is a good tutorial about this..

However, this is no longer needed because XBee has a Linux version now :D

Anyway, I post this because I think it could help to install other similar windows-based software which needs to connect with usb (serial) ports.

martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

Setting bash as the default shell

Instructions in :

1. Look for the path to bash with

which bash

2. Type:

sudo chsh -s output-path-from-previous-step username

Otherway to do that is to modify the /etc/passwd file.